Remove Dense Underbrush the Easy Way

Schedule brush hogging services in Rome, Holland Patent or Trenton, NY today

Many Central New York properties are surrounded by dense forests and vegetation. While a wooded property is great for privacy, it can easily become overgrown and dangerous. Maintain the woods around your home by scheduling brush hogging services with Smith's Excavating. We'll plow down and mulch up the underlying vegetation around your property to keep your landscape healthy.

Call 315-865-5632 today to schedule brush hogging services in Rome, Holland Patent or Trenton, NY.

3 reasons to clean up your landscape

3 reasons to clean up your landscape

As your undeveloped landscape grows, potential problems can occur. Stay on top of brush hogging to avoid...

  1. Pest and wildlife infestations close to your home
  2. Fungi and disease spreading around your lawn
  3. Kindling for wildfires to break out on your property

Is it time to clean up your landscape? Reach out to us today for brush hogging services in Holland Patent or Trenton, NY.